The ADA Title II regulations identify specific rules on how school districts provide “program accessibility” to individuals with disabilities.  SIA assists our member districts in understanding these requirements including designating a district ADA coordinator, public posting of non-discrimination notice and reasonable modifications policies. 

ADA Public Notice for District Website (doc) – This downloadable document contains the template language for posting a public ADA non-discrimination notice on your district website. Simply fill in the district name and contact information for the district ADA coordinator and the notice is ready to post onto your website.

Revised 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Title II regulations (June 2024) – Full text of the revised ADA policy rules.  This document is the most current version which includes the incorporated 2016 ADA Amendments Act language and the recently adopted June 2024 Web and Mobile Accessibility requirements. 

ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments (June 2015) – This U.S. Dept. of Justice document includes up-to-date information on the Americans with Disabilities Act administrative requirements including sections on Reasonable Modifications, Service Animals, Other Power-Drive Mobility Devices, Effective Communications and more.

Service Animals: ADA Requirements (February 2020) – The 2010 ADA Title II regulations revised and updated the definition of a service animal and clarified many specific rules on their use. This brief from the U.S. Department of Justice provides a general overview of the policy rules applicable for service animals at public facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals and the ADA (July 2015) –  This excellent supplemental document provides clarifying information on many between-the-lines U.S. Dept. of Justice policies and interpretations that underlie the ADA service animal requirements. 

Effective Communication: ADA Requirements (January 2014) School districts have a responsibility to provide equally effective communication for individuals with vision, hearing and speech disabilities. This brief from the U.S. Department of Justice provides an overview of the ADA Title II policy rules applicable for effective communications.